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A very vital aspect of road safety and vehicle maintenance is knowing the state of your tyres at all times. It is extremely useful and advisable to carry out regular inspections on your car's tyres to check for the suitability of tread depth, tyre pressure, lumps, bulges and any other damage to the tyre. Maintaining optimum tyre pressure leads to optimum fuel efficiency.
It is important to visually check the condition of tyres on a regular basis.
If you notice any of these signs or have any concerns about the safety of your tyres then you should get them checked by an experienced and knowledgeable tyre expert (i.e us!), and if there are any serious doubt replace the tyre with your spare until you are able to get it checked.
It is important to maintain an adequate safety margin, we support the advice given by road safety organisations including Roadsafe and leading European car manufacturers who recommend replacing tyres when the tread depth reaches 3.0mm.
The recommended tyre pressures for your vehicle will be found in the vehicle handbook or on a
placard mounted on the vehicle e.g. behind the petrol filler cap or on the driverside door pillar.
Always check pressures when the tyres are cold and never adjust tyre pressures during or immediately following a journey.
Low tyre pressure can lead to;
Excessive tyre pressure can lead to;
The modern car is built for comfort, performance and handling. In order to achieve and maintain the best ride possible, the steering and suspension needs to be measured and adjusted. Incorrect alignment can result in rapid irregular tyre wear and can even affect the handling and safety of the vehicle.
The direction and angle at which tyres are set are both important. Wheel alignment or 'tracking' involves checking the direction and angle against vehicle manufacturers' specifications.
Tracking and wheel alignment should be checked at regular intervals. Poor alignment and tracking causes irregular and rapid tyre wear resulting in the need to replace tyres more frequently.
Wheel alignment can be affected by
What are the benefits of wheel alignment?
What are the signs of poor alignment?
It is not always obvious, especially if the misalignment is slight, but there are signs to look out for:
When should I have the alignment be checked?
As a general rule is every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, or at least once a year
However, it is also highly recommended when
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